evgeniytimofeev May 12, 20210 Comments

EPSG Registry application

May 12, 2021

We are pleased to announce that a EPSG registry application has been released.

The EPSG application invites users to search information about Spatial Reference System (SRS) using EPSG codes. To get started, it is enough to know a EPSG code by entering which application will start the search. This is the perfect tool if you need to quickly search the information: always online and at hand.

Professionals (cartographers, geologists, environmentalists, etc.), enthusiasts and amateurs can quickly request necessary SRS data. In addition to the standard fields: Name, Code, Datum, etc., our app is also able to display the corresponding Well-known text (WKT) for SRS. Any information can be easily copied to the clipboard.

Our registry contains several thousand EPSG codes. The base is regularly updated, so the user is very likely to find all the information of interest in the shortest possible time in full. Just know the EPSG code.

How to find SRS information using Aspose.GIS EPSG Registry:

  • Input EPSG code using decimal format.
  • Click on the ‘Search’ button to find information.
  • You will see a sheet with SRC information.

With a huge volume of specialized SRS data and a simple user interface, our free EPSG app is a handy pocket tool for your research.

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